The family-drama show titled ‘InstaDad’ starring three of Kapuso’s exciting female young stars—Ashley Ortega, Gabbi Garcia, and Jazz Ocampo; the series revolves around the issues and struggles of most siblings growing up and one of which is RIVALRY. This Sunday, a more pressing and stressing dilemma will surface as one of the triplets is forced to face TEENAGE PREGNANCY.
In the country, one in 10 young Filipino women ages 15 to 19 is already a mother or pregnant according to the 2013 National Demographic and Health Survey. In an article from site dated 27 April 2012, the Philippines has one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in the ASEAN, an official from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) stated.
And it is also projected that by 2030, the number would reach to 30 million.
In InstaDad’s episode slated tomorrow, the 14th of this month, one of the three young female stars will find herself in a most challenging situation of her life. In time for their birthday, Kit and Aya both portrayed by Garcia and Ocampo, respectively reconciled with their sister Yumi as assumed by Ortega. However, another problem will occur between the three Monteamor sisters.
One of the Kenneth’s (Gabby Eigenmann) daughters would be impregnated.
It is said that the lack of parental involvement as well as the lack of parental monitoring of adolescent activities are risk factors for such alarming, growing problem—teenage pregnancy. It is clear that the triplets have no mother-figure to lean on to and it is only their dad who tries everything to provide and meet their needs. How will Kenneth take this news?
What will be the consequences of one of the young Monteamors getting pregnant? Will she be able to finish her studies especially high school? How well would she be able to support her child when she will be judged by her immediate environs and so as in the society she is part of? Since she will most likely be compelled to quit school, the chances of becoming an unemployed is a huge probability, too.
How will the two sisters cope with as soon as they find out the real condition of their pregnant sister?
‘InstaDad’ is aired every Sunday right after the game show ‘Wowowin’.