After having been named the top scorer twice, King of RnB Jay-R is considered one of the frontrunners in “Your Face Sounds Familiar” and has proven he can also shine in other genres.
“So far, my experience in ‘Your Face’ has been outstanding. I’ve learned a lot of things. It’s hard. I’m not used to it, but I have to really study it. From studying it, I feel I’m growing as an artist because I’m learning different genres. It feels like adding more ammunition for my arsenal,” he said.
Jay-R gained the top scores for impersonating Pepe Smith in the pilot episode and Kenny Rogers last week. This weekend (April 11 and 12), he is set to impress viewers again by copying rock icon Alice Cooper.
“I feel very flattered. For me, I feel like my hard work is being recognized. The feedback has been very positive not only from the jury but also from the fans,” said Jay-R.
Despite the pressure, the eight celebrity performers remain close and even hang out outside of taping to bond, according to Nyoy Volante, who has impersonated Michael Jackson, Yoyoy Villame, Tina Turner, and Rey of Aegis in the show.
“I feel like everyone is just here to have fun and be family. We enjoy each other’s company. There is indeed competition, but we do our best because that’s what the viewers and the show deserve, not because we want to win against each other,” said Nyoy, who will impersonate Justin Bieber in the next episode.
“Your Face” will surely serve up more unexpectedly fun performances, as Jolina Magdangal and Karla Estrada transform into the opposite sex for the first time as Axl Rose and Psy, respectively. What will be the jury’s reaction to Maxene Magalona’s act as Madonna, and Tutti Caringal as Rico J. Puno? How did Melai Cantiveros prepare to imitate co-performer Jolina? And will Edgar Allan Guzman totally copy the sexy moves of Ricky Martin?
Don’t miss “Your Face Sounds Familiar” Saturdays after “MMK” and Sundays after “Rated K” on ABS-CBN. For program updates, like, follow @YourFacePH on Twitter and Instagram, or visit