There are a lot of indigenous groups all through the country. Some are unreachable, and some are, well, just within our reach. These people are those who have its own tribal name, language and custom. They were sometimes called as people living outside our world. Living in a primitive way that most of us cannot live anymore. Poor water source, no electricity, food delicacy that only they know what and outdated fashion (who cares about it when you live in a mountain).
These are just an example of what they like up there (mountains). And these are the same things we can do something about. Things we can give, for them to experience the convenience we have in our world. Not to show off but to GIVE BACK in a simple way we can.
This year, instead of spending time alone in a high-end beach, or hibernating at home enjoying a week work-off, yours truly together with the other Lionheartv and Dailypedia writers, photographers and managing editors, decided to make ourselves worthy and useful.
Bound by one goal to make other people happy, we visited a Mangyan community in Occidental Mindoro in its second year to give back the blessings we have for the past year. Armed with pre-loved clothings (from different friends, thank you!), canned goods and food, we spent a half-day with so much fun and meaningful. It was just overwhelming.
PAY IT FORWARD as what we call it. For so much blessings our website have right now, this annual advocacy is just one of our simple way to bring happiness to our fellow Filipino that never had a chance to experience living in an urban area.
By simply looking into their eyes, seeing them smile, it will surely touch your heart. This mission opened our eyes to do better and do more. It was our second year to do the advocacy and we are certainly looking forward to another year of spreading love, happiness and peace.
Our team would like to thank Hon. Mayor Michael ‘Babo’ Pangilinan thru Board Member Abelardo Pangilinan with the help of Mr. Eduardo Yambao, Mrs. Mercedes Paglicawan and Mrs. Glorita Vallestero with the assistance from Kgwd. Edwin Rici and the teachers of Pinagbayanan Elementary School – Mr. Ricardo Binagen, Ms. Elisabeth Bonus, Mr. Restituto Manzano, Mr. Jolan Vidal and Mr. Mark Goco.
We would also like to thank those Bloggers donated the goods: Flowell Galindez, Anton and Carmela Bobis, Ted Claudio, Coco Marvin Gaspar, Mc Richard Paglicawan, Mia Antonio, Joseph Xander Ramos, Princess Ivy Fernandez, Abigail Jane Lopez, Alvin Ferrer, Jay Mark Balasis, Loveli Kiok, Jay Cruz and Kaori Takahashi.