“Goin’ Bulilit,” the country’s longest running kiddie gag show brings to Philippine TV its tenth anniversary concert featuring the current cast and “Bulilit” graduates of the top-rating children’s comedy show this Sunday (February 22).
As a way of giving thanks to fans for the support throughout the years, a spectacular opening number featuring the current cast and “Bulilit” graduates await viewers while a group of “Goin’ Bulilit’s” own siestanista will serenade audiences with a heartwarming song number by Chacha, Kiray, Nikki, Mika, and Angelo.
The concert will also be filled with classic sketches led by cuties Clarence, Casey, Bea, and Izzy.
Catch all these and more in “Goin’ Bulilit” which airs after “TV Patrol Weekend” and “LUV U” which airs after “ASAP 19” on ABS-CBN this February 22.
Catch the Kapamilya comedy shows and make weekends complete, as “Banana Split: Extra Scoop” airs on Saturdays after “Maalaala Mo Kaya”, “Banana Nite” airs weekdays after “Bandila” and “LUV U” airs Sunday after “ASAP 19.”
Catch up on full episodes and past episodes of “Goin’ Bulilit” through ABS-CBNmobile. For more information, please go to www.abscbnmobile.com.