Lenny Kravitz has announced that his upcoming concert at the Globe Circuit Events Ground in Manila on the 24th March will be cancelled due to unforeseen scheduling issues. Unfortunately, given current commitments the concert cannot be rescheduled at this time.
Said Lenny Kravitz, “Unfortunately, due to contractual scheduling conflicts beyond my control I will not be able to come to Manila to perform. I have been looking forward to coming to play for my fans and I’m deeply sorry that my concert had to be cancelled. My ability to come play for you all is a huge concern to me and I’m looking forward to rescheduling so I can perform for you in Manila as soon as possible. Love and Respect…Lenny”
For refunds, please call TicketWorld at 891.9999 or visitTicketWorld website at https://www.ticketworld.com.ph/Online/LENNYKRAVITZcancelled to view the detailed mechanics.