GMA Network acquired Asianovelas led the Top 15 Asian Dramas aired in all blocks from morning till’ late primetime in 2014 as of October 23 data released by Nielsen TV Audience Measurement for Mega Manila. In Nielsen TV Audience Measurement data, Mega Manila represents the 60 percent of the total Urban Philippines.
In morning the wife trilogy “Return of the Wife” registered its highest TV rating 13.2, demolishing ABS-CBN’s “Crazy Love and “Lovers in Paris” which only registered 9.0 and 7.8 as their highest/peak rating respectively.
Meanwhile for afternoon and pre primetime block the Throwback series “Jewel in the Palace” 20.6 , the recently concluded series “Full House” 16.6 and the kilig series “Mischievous Kiss Love In Tokyo” 16.2 , “My Love from the Star” 27.4 against ABS-CBN’s Throwback series “Meteor Garden” 18.2 ,”My Girl” 9.0 “My Girlfriend is a Gumiho” 12.9 and the family drama series “The Heirs” and “Pretty Man” that both registered 14.6.
In late primetime the multi-awarded family drama “A 100-Year Legacy” also registered 21.9 percent as their highest Tv rating, the horror and suspense series “The Masters Sun” 19.5 percent and “Secret Love” 16.7, the kilig and romantic series “I Hear Your Voice” 19.7 percent. Meanwhile the t he recently aired period drama “Empress Ki” got 12.9 demolishing all Kapamilya Asianovelas “When A Man Falls in Love” 16.1 percent ,”Miss Ripley” 8.7 percent and “Angel Eyes” 9.3 percent.
Before the year ends GMA will air “King of Ambition” and “Your the Best Lee Soo Shin” both are popular and hit in Korea.