“Devil Survivor 2: The Animation” follows Hibiki and Daichi whose lives are supposed to end in a tragic accident. They are, however, given a second chance in life with a mission to save the world. With their trusty cell phone and the ability to summon demons to aid their mission, Hibiki and Daichi battle the aliens called Septerontiones weekdays beginning April 17 at 8:30 PM with replays at 2:30 AM, 8:30 AM, and 2:30 PM.
Meanwhile, see the voices behind “Devil Survivor 2: The Animation” in action through Hero TV’s Dubber’s Cut where the voice actors not only show their talents, but give their thoughts on this Nintendo game-turned anime series and its young characters who grow as they realize their mission.
Finally, Yuuri Shibuya returns to The Great Demon Kingdom in season 3 of “Kyo Kara Maoh.” Yuuri was sucked into a portal in a toilet bowl and soon learned that he was destined to become the demon king of the kingdom. Initially hesitant to own the title of King of such a strange foreign land, he resolves and is now ready to do anything to save his kingdom and prove that he is the legitimate king of The Great Demon Kingdom. Catch the new adventures of the demon king with three episodes every Saturday beginning April 26 at 12:30 AM with replays at 12:30 PM.
Returning this April to accompany April’s new heroes are “Gintama Season 5,” “Eyeshield 21 Season 2,” “Major Season 2,” “Tokyo Magnitude 8.0,” “Gargantia On Verdurous Planet,” “Mirmo De Pon Season 4,” “Working Season 2,” “Galaxia Bots,” “Power Rangers Overdrive,” “Innocent Venus,” and “Tide Line Blue.”
Also, watch out for “Astroboy,” “Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D Movie,” “Hetalia Paint It White Movie,” “Toaru Kagaku No Rail Gun OVA,” and three “Bleach” movies on Hero Theatrixx every Saturday and Sunday.
Catch all your favorite anime shows on Hero TV (SkyCable Channel 44 and Destiny Digital Cable Channel 44), the number one anime channel in the Philippines. For more schedules and updates, visit and like Hero TV on Facebook (www.facebook.com/myheronation) and follow the channel’s official twitter account (@myHEROnation).
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