Mexican Comedy The Boy Who Smells Like Fish, centers on Mica (played by Douglas Smith, from Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters and HBO’s Big Love), a seemingly normal boy – until you go near him. Mica deals with a rare disease called Trimethylaminuria, making him smell like fish. Because of this, no one wants to be his friend.
Mica grows up in a suburban museum dedicated to fictitious Mexican crooner Guillermo Garibai, run with delightful enthusiasm by his loving mother Sophie (played by Ariadna Gil). Having fans and tourists make their way around his home was something Mica never enjoyed growing up, until his mother passes away and he was entrusted the job she has left behind.
Life appears to be pointless – until Laura (played by Zoë Kravitz, daughter of Lenny Kravitz, and from X-Men: First Class, and TV Series Californication) walks into it.
Directed by Analeine Cal y Mayor, her directorial debut gave her a nomination for the Lexus Opera Prima Award at the Miami Film Festival 2013 and a win for Best Foreign Romance Trailer at the Golden Trailer Awards 2013.
The Boy Who Smells Like Fish will air first on CinemaWorld this March 23 at 9:00 PM. CinemaWorld is available in Metro Manila on Cable Link on channel 301 and on Sky Cable HD on channel 184. Contact your cable operator for more details.
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