This Thursday, the primetime drama For Love or Money draws to a touching conclusion as the interwoven lives of Edward (Derek Ramsay), Roselle (Ritz Azul), and Kristine (Alice Dixson) face the ultimate test of love.
After she discovered Edward’s continuing affair with Kristine and the latter’s pregnancy, Roselle decides to leave her husband and file an annulment case. Edward, however, is determined to win his wife back and make sure that he will be a father to the child she now bears.
With both Roselle and Kristine giving birth to both his children, Edward is all the more torn to make the decision that will either way entail a heartbreaking loss. Will he choose his wife over Kristine? Or will his love for Kristine be greater than his desire to raise a family with Roselle?
Find out as For Love or Money airs its final episode this Thursday, 8:00 p.m. on TV5.
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