On its pilot telecast, the telenovela remake already created a buzz after its ratings won on its timeslot and trended on Twitter nationwide and even worldwide. According to data from Kantar Media, “Maria Mercedes” hit a national TV rating of 23.8% or ten points higher than rival program “Akin Pa Rin Ang Bukas” with only 13.2%.
Netizens, meanwhile, had nothing but positive feedback on the show that Maria Mercedes landed on the list of the top ten worldwide trending topics on Twitter during its pilot. Jessy Mendiola, on the other hand, also made it as one of the trending topics on Twitter Philippines even if she hasn’t appeared on the series yet.
Fans need not wait any longer as Mercedes’ character grows up and Jessy debuts on the show tomorrow (Oct 9).
After Mercedes’ family fell apart following her mother Magnolia’s (Vina Morales) betrayal, the young Mercedes (Alex Ilacad) moves to Manila with her dad and siblings.
What awaits Mercedes in her new life in the city? How will she overcome the struggles in life especially without her dad on her side? Don’t miss the bittersweet story of “Maria Mercedes” weeknights after “Got to Believe” on ABS-CBN’s Primetime Bida.
For updates, follow, @MercedesMariaPH on Twitter and like www.facebook.com/MariaMercedesOfficial on Facebook. Post your thoughts about the show on social media using the hashtage #MariaMercedes.
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