Using mind-boggling experiments, brainteasers, optical illusions and hard science, Brain Games shows viewers how the human brain works and how their lives are affected as a result.
NGC will be showing a Brain Games special on September 24 for its premiere. In the premiere episode, viewers are lured into the world of sleight of hand, of advanced card play and card magic, with a focus on the oldest card trick in the world, the Three Card Monte. Card performers will be revealing the secrets behind their tricks as well as exploring the psychology that allows people to be tricked. Also, the connection between human beings and primates will be highlighted, giving us a better understanding of our social interactions and dynamics, and how we perceive our relationships because we are hard-wired in a certain way.
Viewers of the show will learn that seeing isn’t necessarily believing when they are presented with optical illusions that, when revealed, will illustrate how our brains help us build our ideas of reality. Brain Games will also examine the powers of persuasion and how marketers are trained to communicate with us in such ways that our brains can’t help responding to or be convinced.
Brain Games will leave no fold of gray matter unturned, no neuron untouched in its quest to help viewers understand how and why the brain works. With the help of experts in neuroscience and mind trickery, the show discusses and explains many aspects of thinking that affect our lives, from issues of trust and sanity to why we make certain decisions and how men and women’s brains work differently.
NGC has partnered with @IGersManila to promote Brain Games through the Instagram account’s #9PMHabit daily contest. The promo will run from September 24 to October 22 during the showing of Brain Games on NGC. @IGersManila will be making calls for photo entries based on weekly ad daily themes determined by NGC, and submissions must be made between 9 PM and 11 PM, with the following tags: #9PMHabit, @IGersManila, @NatGeoChannelsPH, #BrainGamesPH and the hashtag for the theme of the day. Four winners will be chosen daily, with winning photos to be posted on @IGersManila at 9 AM on the following day. Winners will receive premium items from NGC besides the bragging rights of having their photos seen by the more than 21,000 followers of @IGersManila.
Explore the human mind and discover its awesome power by catching Brain Games on National Geographic Channel every Tuesday at 9 PM, beginning on September 24.