Anessa, the fierce character of Pinoy Soap Opera Queen Judy Ann Santos in ABS-CBN’s consistent top-rating primetime series “Huwag Ka Lang Mawawala,” continues to rattle the minds of all the people who maltreated her, including her abusive husband Eros (Sam Milby).
In the series, which will end on August 23 (Friday), Anessa is finally reunited with her son Emman (Miguel Vergara) after she gatecrashed the wedding of Eros and Alexis (KC Concepcion).
How far will Anessa’s retribution against the Diomedes family go? In the end, will she really claim justice or will she be put in danger by a dubious conspiracy of the people whom she thought are her allies?
Don’t miss Anessa’s heart-stomping fight in the last two weeks of the fast-paced story of “Huwag Ka Lang Mawawala,” weeknights, after “Muling Buksan Ang Puso” on ABS-CBN Primetime Bida. For more updates about the show, log on to and follow @HKLM_TV on Twitter.