Nikki portrays the role of a dedicated and loving mother and sister named Precy. Because of her desire to provide a better future for her children and sister Agnes (Nikki Bagaporo), Precy decides to work overseas and save enough money for their family’s needs.
After many years of sacrifices and hard work, Precy returns to the Philippines only to find out that her husband Lando (Matt Evans) is having an affair with Agnes.
How will Precy deal with her sister’s betrayal after all that she did for Agnes? Will time be able to heal the pain caused by Agnes and Lando’s forbidden relationship?
Also featured in “MMK” this Saturday are Ces Quesada, Yves Flores, Phoebi Arbotante, Alec Robes and Marie Joy Dalo. The story was researched by Akeem Jordan del Rosario, written by Arah Jell Badayos, and directed by Garry Fernando.
Don’t miss “MMK” this Saturday, after “Wansapanataym” on ABS-CBN. For more updates, log on to, and follow @MMKOfficial on Twitter and visit the official Facebook page