The film “Unbowed” is inspired by the true-to-life occurrences that happened in the life of a man named Kim Myung-Ho. It tells the story of a professor in Mathematics who loses his job over insisting that a question on the university entrance exam is flawed. Frustrated over the judgment, he attempts to take things into his own hands by filing a lawsuit against the university. After a series of uncommon events, the professor finds himself outside the judge’s apartment with a crossbow in hand.
A thrilling tale of the presence and absence of justice in society, “Unbowed” stars Ahn Sung-Ki and Park Won-Sang. It was directed by Chung Ji-Young and was his first film after a long 13-year hiatus. It premiered at the Busan International Film Festival in 2011 and received an astounding 13-minute ovation. Leaving a lasting mark on South Korean society, the story behind “Unbowed” has turned the crossbow into an important symbol for its people.
Movie website described the film as “invigorating and electrifying”, adding, “There hasn’t been a better legal thriller in years.”
Don’t miss out a different Sunday movie night treat “Unbowed” airing on June 30 at 8:00 p.m. on Cinema One (SkyCable Channel 56), the Philippines’ number one cable channel. For updated about the program schedule, follow @cinema_one on Twitter and by like its official Facebook page