The new TVC follows the story of Migs, a young man who bought an Avida condominium unit for himself and in the first commercial and assured his dad of its security, comfort and affordability. While the first commercial showed Migs touring his father in his new home for the first time and getting the nod he was hoping for, the TVC sequel shows Migs appreciating the comfortable features and sensible amenities of his Avida home. He now lives his own life while still keeping in mind the values that he learned from his parents as a guiding principle in his daily life.
Migs exemplifies the young Filipino who achieves his goals in life and reaps the fruits of a successful career at an age when he gets to enjoy the peak of his youth while basking in the pleasures of personal independence. With this new commercial airing on major TV networks, Avida aims to inspire more hardworking young professionals to believe that their dream of personal independence is well within their reach and that they can afford to buy a home they can truly call their own.
“We have seen a phenomenal rise in the number of young people who can now afford to purchase their own condominium units. It is a good sign that more Filipino young professionals are getting smarter in making responsible, discerning choices in life and they have realized the value of investing for their future,” said Tess Tatco, Avida Land Corp. Marketing Head. “This is why Avida came up with a new TV commercial that gives tribute to these financially-conscious and independent-minded young Filipinos who have made the smart move to invest in their own home.”
Avida’s condominium properties are among the top picks of young buyers not only for the easy-to-own home payment schemes being offered but also for their accessibility, fewer units per floor, free-flowing air and sunlight, emergency power even inside the unit, sensible amenities and mixed-use components that cater to the dynamic lifestyle of young active achievers.