In the movie, multi-awarded comedienne Eugene plays a dual role that revolves around twin sisters with opposite personalities, Kimmy and Dora’s adventure in Korea, their father’s (Ariel Ureta) homeland.
Upon their arrival in Korea, a patriarch tells that one of them has to marry someone from Sang clan to fulfill their ancestors’ vow. But the sisters refuse to, since they are both committed to their beaus. Kimmy is about to marry Barry (Zanjoe Marudo), while Dora is already engaged with Johnson (Dingdong Dantes). However, a dark specter from Sang clan haunts the twin. Will Kimmy and Dora be able to defeat the spirit when only Kimmy hears the ghost while only Dora sees it?
“Kimmy Dora and the Temple Of Kiyeme,” one of 2012’s highest-grossing Filipino films, is a sequel to the 2009 surprise hit “Kimmy Dora: Kambal sa Kiyeme” that propelled Eugene’s career.
Don’t miss “Kimmy Dora and the Temple Of Kiyeme” this Sunday (April 14), 8:00 p.m., only on the number one cable channel in the Philippines, Cinema One, available on SkyCable Gold, SkyCable Silver and other quality cable operators. For more information and updates, log on to