“Kiss of the Spider Woman” is translated by Rene Villanueva, a noted Filipino playwright. The stage play invites us to share the cell with two inmates of a Buenos Aires prison during the 1970s, written originally by Mario Puig.
The two cellmates are Valetin Arregui, a leftist revolutionary imprisoned for trying to overthrow the government and Luis Molina, a homosexual imprisoned for allegedly corrupting a minor. Misery loves company and the two ended up as close friends.
Soon, friendship develops into something more and Molina falls in love with Valentin. when Molina gained his freedom, he agrees to contact Valentin comrade, but he was followede by the police and was brought back to prison where he was threatened in front of Valentin to make the political prisoner talk. Molina convices Valentin not to say a word and as he proclaimed his love for Valentin, he was shot dead.
The role of Molina played by BB Gandanghari is truly one of the most challenging ang compelling in theater history and BB’s acceptance of the role heralds her entrance to the world of theater. This production is an initial venture of BB Gandanghari, Inc. Other cast are Jet Alcantara, Jovic Monsod with the support of Richard Quan, Rob Sy and Matthew Chang (Violinist).
This is directed by Soxy Topacio, an award-winning director who also directed the first play in 1989 by PETA with Mario O’Hara and Julio Diaz.