“Chika Chika Chicks” which aired from 1987 to 1991 on ABS-CBN starred Freddie Webb, Nova Villa, Carmi Martin, Chuchi, and Sammy Lagmay. The story revolves around the exciting and erratic lives of an ultra-sweet married couple, an eccentric old lady, and a number of gorgeous women all living in one boarding house. The show’s lead characters Jimmy Capistrano (Webb) and his wife, Ines (Villa), have become one of the most famous and beloved couples on Philippine TV. Ines’ laments on remaining childless, her insecurities about the sexy ladies under Jimmy’s employ and how a trip to the shower makes everything alright in the end never fail to draw the laughs in this classic sitcom written by Ipe Pelino and directed by Johnny Manahan.
Meanwhile, “Arriba! Arriba!” was one of the trendiest local sitcoms during its time, infusing both musical and gag formats. It aired from 2000 to 2003 and starred Jolina Magdangal, Camille Prats, Ai-Ai de las Alas, Edgar Mortiz, Heart Evangelista, John Lapus, and Rufa Mae Quinto. “Arriba! Arriba!” shows the wacky adventures and misadventures of the Arriba family, as narrated by Winona Arriba (Magdangal), the eldest daughter and resident free spirit of the family. The show is directed by Gilbert Perez and John-D Lazatin.
Back-to-back episodes of “Chika Chika Chicks” premiere on 16 February, Saturday at 7:00 PM while “Arriba! Arriba!” pilots on 18 February, Monday, at 8:00 PM as part of JEEPNEY TV’s “Tawa Way Zone”.
Jeepney TV brings back TV classics close to the hearts of the Filipino TV audience and is available on SkyCable Channel 69 and other leading cable operators nationwide. For programming schedules and updates, like their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/JeepneyTV