The Greatest Love is a romance-comedy series about a former star singer Angel, portrayed by Gong Hyo Jin, who was once the most popular member of the girl band The National Treasures Girls. As the story progresses, she will find herself entangled with two lovable men — top movie star Colin (Cha Seung Won) and doctor of oriental medicine Jordan (Yoon Kye Sang).
Adding spice to the series is Claire, played by Yoo In Na, host of a popular TV show who pretends that she and Colin are still dating despite their breakup in order to avoid negative publicity.
Who will win Angel’s heart? Is it Colin, the one who feels happy when Angel is around, or Jordan, a doctor of oriental medicine who has no interest in the entertainment industry? And will Claire be able to stop Colin from pursuing Angel?
Get to know more of these characters on The Greatest Love right after Temptation of Wife on GMA Telebabad.