Here’s the full transcript of video interview of Ricky Lo to “Les Miserables” starrer Anne Hathaway:
0:17 – Lo: You lose the 25 pounds for Fantine? And how did you do it and how did you get it back?
0:22 – Hathaway: I’d rather not talk about weight loss please.
0:38 – Lo glances at his phone. He seriously glances at his phone in front of his interview subject.
0:50 – After being asked about her preparations for the movie, Hathaway talks about internalizing the “emotional toll” of “being a sex slave”, as part of what she did to “craft the character” of Fantine.
1:15 – Lo: I have a friend from the Philippines, her name is Lea Salonga.
1:24 – Lo hands his phone over to show Lea Salonga’s message for Anne Hathaway. Ok maybe he was checking if he had Salonga’s message ready at 0:38.
1:31 – After briefly glancing at the phone, Hathaway hands it back to Lo.: Oh I have to meet her too!
Lo: …and she said she could hardly wait to see the movie.
1:34 – Lo interupts Hathaway while she continue expresses adoration for Salonga with another casual “anyway”
1:37 – Lo: Yes, you really [I think he meant recently, but the syllables just slid through] said in a Vogue interview that you could never have compared with Lea and your mom was who played Fantine, Kate McCauley. Why’d you say that?
1:48 – Before we get an answer, Lo interrupts with more praise: But true, you were terrific in the movie
1:51 – After another gracious “thank you”, Hathaway lets some annoyance show, clears her throat and answers:
Hataway: Think if you think as an actor who sings, rather than a singer, I would be probably be more impressive. But Lea has one of the great voices of our time. Now I don’t think there’s vocally anything that she can’t do. And she’s made a career as a singer so I have complete deference to her. And of course, my mother has a very very beautiful voice as well.
2:20 – Lo: You were there in the Emmy’s and saw your mom playing Fantine. What were your memories about having seen your mom on stage?
2:26 – Hathaway: I was very moved. I cried. It was very meaningful for me.
2:34 – Lo: Did you get any pointers from your mom?
2:35 – Hathaway: No.
2:38 – Lo: And for somebody who perceived to have lived a life of luxury and privelege, how were you able to identify Fantine?
2:48 – Hathaway struggles to say something. She’s probably thinking “weren’t you listening to what I said at 0:50?”
2:50 – Lo: Have you ever experienced to be hungry? To poor, and you know, just like the character.
2:54 – Hathaway: That’s a very personal question.
2:55 – Lo: What’s your favorite scene in the movie and the hardest to do?
3:00 – Hathaway: I think my favorite scene in the movie was when I got to come back as angel. That was with Hugh [Jackman]. Because I got to feel nice!
3:11 – In the middle of her answer, Lo drops his phone. This prompts a kind “Oh, be careful” from Hathaway. Lo mutters “phone” while picking up his gadget.
3:13 – Hathaway: The hardest scene was I dreamed a dream.
Lo: Oh I dreamed a dream, yes yes yes yes…
3:19 – Lo: They’re saying that you’re a shoo-in for the Oscars next year. How do you feel about it? At this early?
3:27 – Hathaway: It is early, I feel like it’s early. I feel like it would be extraordinary if that were to happen but I’m not counting on anything.
3:34 – Lo: What about any other musical you like to do, maybe on stage or in a movie?
3:37 – Hathaway: Many…many.
3:40 – Lo: Would you like to say any message for Lea, who’s looking forward to watching the movie and to meeting you in person?
3:47 – Hathaway: Well, we’ve already talked about Lea.
3:50 – Lo: And what about inviting fans from the Philippines to watch the movie, showing January?
3:55 – Hathaway: Well why don’t you invite them? I think they’d much rather hear it from you.
3:58 – Lo: Ah ok then!