Based on the 1960s series of the same name, Hawaii Five-0 follows a new elite federalized task force whose mission is to wipe out the crime that washes up on the Hawaiian Islands’ sun-drenched beaches. The popular series stars Alex O’Loughlin, Scott Caan, Daniel Dae Kim, Grace Park, Masi Oka and Michelle Borth.
In the opening episode of the show’s third season titled Mother’s Day, Chin Ho is forced to choose between saving his wife, Malia, or saving his cousin, Kono. He valiantly tries to save his wife, but her wounds are too severe and she dies. Luckily, he alerts Adam Noshimuri of Kono’s plight and he arrives just in time to save Kono from drowning. McGarrett escorts his mother, Doris, back to Hawaii and questions her about her activities as Shelburne. When they land, Danny informs them that Wo Fat escaped custody with help from Frank Delano and is on the loose in Hawaii, which puts Doris’ life in immediate danger. McGarrett enlists Catherine Rollins to watch his mother while he and the rest of Five-0 try to track down Wo Fat and Delano.
The action will put you on the edge of your seat waiting to see what will happen next. There are a few unexpected twists that will set up questions for the rest of the season. Catch Hawaii Five-0 (Season 3) every Tuesday nights 10PM on AXN.