Based on Mori Kouji’s popular manga of the same name, Holyland is a Korean drama series that tells the story of Kang-Yoo, an ordinary teen who can’t get along with anyone at home or school. But behind his weak façade is a budding fighter who beats up tough guys using skills he learned from an old boxing manual.
With his newfound notoriety, Kang-Yoo, the “hunter of thugs”, founds himself in a constant battle to keep his place, his “holyland”. Holyland stars Korean singer, actor and youngest U-Kiss member Dong-Ho who describes his character as “kind of shy and dark”.
In an interview, Dong-Ho said he read the manga to study the character, in addition to preparing physically for the role. “I had to learn mixed martial arts and boxing which was difficult and left me bruised,” he said. “It was physically exhausting.”
The show also stars Dong-Ho’s fellow U-Kiss idol, Hoon, who plays the role of Tae-Sik. “He does Taekwondo, so in real life, I’d never be able to beat him,” said Dong-Ho. “Doing this with Hoon, reading the scripts together and everything was fun.”
Adding to the show’s impressive cast are other popular Korean stars, including Seong Woong who plays Sang-Ho, Kang-Yoo’s mentor, and Joo Do Young as Sang Mi, Kang-Yoo’s love interest.
Holyland’s four action-packed episodes will show exclusively on KIX, Asia’s home of combat, every Wednesday, starting on December 5, __pm on Skycable (Channel 63), Cablelink (Channel 220) and Destiny (Channel 10).