The Asian TV industry’s most prestigious recognition also shortlisted TV5’s top-rating variety show “Talentadong Pinoy” for Best General Entertainment Programme and news channel Aksyon TV’s “Bilang Tao” for Best Single News Story/Report.
NEWS5 anchor Cheryl Cosim accepted the award at the glitzy awarding ceremony held in Singapore last Thursday (December 6) in behalf of TV5. The lady anchor of Aksyon also represented her program “Bilang Tao.” TV5 first vice president for Creative and Entertainment Production Perci Intalan, meanwhile, represented “Talentadong Pinoy.”
“Chef vs. Mom” bested six other programs from Singapore, India and Malaysia. Airing every Sunday at 5:30am, TV5’s “Chef vs Mom” is a comedy-cooking show which features real-life mother and son, Mommy Lalie and Chef Jeremy Favia. The show also airs every Saturday, 5:30pm, on Aksyon TV.
This year’s ATA saw at least 48 specialist judges reviewing more than 1,300 submissions received across various TV genres and performance categories.
The Kapatid Network gained recognition on the international scene when it won its first Asian TV Awards trophy for “Star Confessions” (Best Theme Song) last year. “Talentadong Pinoy” and “Lokomoko” also clinched nomination that year for Best General Entertainment Programme and Best Comedy Programme categories, respectively.