In this action film “Kuratong Baleleng,” Daniel Padilla will be playing the role of the young Ongkoy Parojinog, the character of his uncle Robin Padilla. Daniel, whose nuances are reminiscent of Binoe was perfect for the role. The three teenage siblings of Rommel Padilla who started as child actors take the role of the three young brothers in issue. ABS-CBN’s Star Magic talent Daniel Padilla as Mayor Nato, Ralph Matthew Padilla and RJ Padilla respectively as the other two young Parojinog brothers.
The movie is reportedly about Octavio “Onkoy” Parojinog, a legendary hero in Ozamiz City and the founder of the original “Kuratong Baleleng” group established by the Philippine military in 1986 to guard against the spread of communist guerrillas in the city and nearby areas.
Directed by Jon Spongky Villarin, the film also stars Anne Curtis, Mariel Rodriguez-Padilla, Rommel Padilla, Baron Geisler, Ian Veneracion and Daniel Padilla‘s brothers Ralph Matthew and RJ.