Directed by Andrzej Bartkowiak and adapted from the popular video-game franchise, Street Fighter, The Legend of Chun-Li tells the story of a fearsome fighter on her quest to seek revenge against her formidable opponents. Starring Smallville’s Kristin Kreuk, the film co-stars Michael Clarke Duncan, Chris Klein, Rick Yune, and Neal McDonough.
Chun-Li’s perfect life as a concert pianist and wushu fighter was brought to an end after her father was abducted by a wealthy crime lord. Upon receiving a mysterious scroll one fateful evening, she will embark on a dangerous journey to bring her father back. The film’s tagline, “Some fight for power, some fight for us,” accurately depicts each side; the crime lord’s lust for power, and Chun-Li’s fight for her family’s freedom.
Catch the action packed film dubbed in Tagalog, “Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li” on the number one cable channel in the Philippines, Cinema One on Sunday (August 19) at 8:00 p.m. Cinema One is available on SkyCable Gold, SkyCable Silver and other quality cable operators nationwide. Follow Cinema One channel @cinema_one on Twitter and ‘like’ it on Facebook at