According to the latest data of Kantar Media last Tuesday (August 21), the Kapamilya Gold drama series topbilled by Shaina Magdayao, Bangs Garcia, Ron Morales, and Jake Cuenca garnered 16.6% national TV rating compared to its rival program in GMA “Kasalanan Bang Ibigan Ka?” which only got 12.5%; and the rival network’s primetime drama programs “Luna Blanca” (14.8%), “Makapiling Kang Muli” (15.1%), and “One True Love” (11.4%).
Avid viewers of “Kung Ako’y Iiwan Mo” are glued to their TV screens every afternoon especially since Sarah (Shaina) finally recovered from her amnesia and decided to move away from her husband Paul (Jake) and deceitful friend Rino (Ron). Will Paul’s new ‘friend’ Sandra (Dianne Medina) rekindle Sarah’s love for her husband or will it make their situation with Mia (Bangs) worse?
Don’t miss the country’s no.1 afternoon program, “Kung Ako’y Iiwan Mo,” after “Angelito: Ang Bagong Yugto” in ABS-CBN’s Kapamilya Gold. For more updates, visit the ABS-CBN Social Media Newsroom (SMN) at for the latest updates, photos, videos, interviews, and presscon podcasts. Follow @ABSCBNpr on Twitter and ‘like’ it on Facebook at