The story of “Just One Summer” revolves around a rich, rebellious boy (Elmo Magalona) who spends the summer with his father (Joel Torre) who he has considered long dead and his mistress while waiting for the annulment of his father and his mother’s marriage (Alice Dixon). During his stay with his father during the summer, he meets a poor girl (Julie Anne San Jose) who is his childhood friend and is a scholar of whom her family is depending on; however, she is holding in a secret with regards to the true state of her scholarship. The two meet and comfort each other amidst their problems and they fall for each other as time goes on and as they get to know each other.
Based on the data below (from Box Office Mojo), “Just One Summer” which premiered on August 15 entered the movie gross table on it’s first week of showing and no reports on its second week.
Directed by Mac Alejandre, “Just One Summer” recieved B-rating from Cinema Evaluation Board (CEB).