“One True Love” is a Filipino drama series which features Alden Richards, Louise delos Reyes, Agot Isidro, Jean Garcia, Raymond Bagatsing and Bembol Roco. “One True Love” premiered on June 11, 2012 replacing “My Beloved” on GMA Telebabad block and June 12, 2012 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV and since its start, it has been recieving phenomenal ratings success over its rival programs.
Directed by Andoy Ranay, “One True Love” propelled Alden and Louise to stardom. The two Kapuso stars are now household names and more and more Filipinos are mesmerized by their loveteam. Also starring in this series are Caridad Sanchez, Benjie Paras, Tiya Pusit, Wynwyn Marquez, Lucho Ayala, Rita Iringan and Frencheska Farr.