“Kris TV,” ABS-CBN‘s morning show hosted by Queen of All Media Kris Aquino, will move to an earlier timeslot, 8am, right after “Umagang Kay Ganda” beginning Monday (June 4).
Start the day full of positive vibes through Kris‘ fun-filled and worthwhile laid-back conversations with some of the country’s hottest stars. Also, “Kris Reali-TV” continues to travel the different parts of the country to discover the amazing treasures of the Philippines.
Start the day earlier, happier, and better than ever starting this Monday with “Kris TV” at 8am, after “Umagang Kay Ganda” on ABS-CBN’s ‘UmaGanda’ block. For more updates, log on to www.abs-cbn.com or follow @abscbndotcom on Twitter.