Sing – Each Kanta Pilipinas webisode will feature particular lessons on how to get the attention of the judges and how to learn from the audition experience. It is definitely the right time for Filipinos to develop a culture of realizing what best to do on auditions and Petra will show you how and will provide you tips to get those votes.
Learn – Kanta Pilipinas online auditions will also be featured at each webisode and Petra will definitely notice what strengths and weaknesses each aspirant has to make the succeeding auditionees learn from the experience. At Kanta Pilipinas, we strive to make a difference and strive to give chances to those who need the boost. It is the country’s first to open the system and process open to the public through Kanta Pilipinas webisode to better interact with the viewing public and make the program suit every Filipinos’ taste. Kanta Pilipinas Facebook Page users will have the opportunity to react and comment on each webisode for the staff to consider and make the program suit the audience’s satisfaction.
Laugh – Humor makes every mistake tolerable and viral. It is through those vivid details overlooked by each aspirant during auditions that may actually be the reason why the judges’ voted in or out each contestant. Kanta Pilipinas would like to show what most common Filipinos are interested with at auditions. Another of Kanta Pilipinas’ firsts, webisodes will feature the culture of Filipinos at auditions and how we have actually grown as a country in singing reality searches. Is the birit still the hirit? Find out at Kanta Pilipinas webisodes!
Share – Making more Filipinos learn about what makes a star shine at auditions is best to share to all families and friends. Truly first and not a franchise program from another country, TV5’s Kanta Pilipinas is yet another marvel at Philippine television and now online. It is time to get the 27 million Filipinos online move from games to learning about our culture and push nationalism at Kanta Pilipinas. What makes Filipinos the best singers in the world will be more explored at Kanta Pilipinas webisodes. Let’s get the our Pinoy teens share our very own Filipino talents at Kanta Pilipinas. We believe in the Filipino talent and this we should always continue to share online everytime.
Sing. Laugh. Learn. Share Kanta Pilipinas webisodes hosted by Petra Mahalimuyak at Follow updates and more info at Kanta Pilipinas Facebook Page- and on Twitter @Kanta_Pilipinas #kantapilipinas. You can also view the latest videos from the Kanta Pilipinas YouTube channel. Mabango ang #KPniPetra dahil dapat ipagmalaki ng Pilipino ang Pilipinas! Tara Na! Kanta na Pilipinas! Ipakita na ang galing ng Pilipino! Soon on TV5!