The Kapatid Network will have its own noontime variety show titled “Game N Go” which will aired every weekdays and Saturdays and will have its pilot episode on March 10, 2012. The two-hour daily show “Game N Go” will be hosted by Edu Manzano including Gelli de Belen, Tuesday Vargas, Arnell Ignacio, Pretty Trizsa, Wendy Valdez, and Shalani Soledad-Romulo. It will start at the same time as ABS-CBN’s “It’s Showtime” but will be one hour short as the Kapamilya noontime show airs until 2:30 pm.
“Game N Go” will be directed by Danny Caparas. The show will be competing with GMA-7‘s “Eat Bulaga” and ABS-CBN’s “It’s Showtime”.