“Us Girls,” the country’s lifestyle magazine show authority, and its hosts Angel Aquino, Iya Villania, and Chesca Garcia-Kramer won as the Best Lifestyle Program and the Best Lifestyle Program Hosts at the 25th PMPC Star Awards for Television held last night (Nov 22).
The girls continue to give you the best features on fashion as they report last night’s red carpet fashion hits and misses of your favorite celebrities in tomorrow’s (Nov 24) episode. Getting into the holiday spirit, the premier lifestyle magazine show will grant early holiday presents for workaholic and hardworking Kabarkadas with pampering treats at early Noche Buena shopping.
One hardworking teacher will also get a fashion and styling makeover and a special gift from international best-selling novelist Nicholas Sparks. As a way of giving back, Angel, Iya, and Chesca will also prepare fun games, presents, and a puppet show for the kids of Kythe Foundation at its annual Christmas party.
All these and more from the 25th PMPC Star Awards for TV’s Best Lifestyle Program, “Us Girls” tomorrow (Nov 24) Thursday na sa Us Girls, 9:30 PM sa Studio23 or watch it online anytime on www.studio23.tv.