Aside from enjoying a wide following among its Asian market, “The Kitchen Musical” will soon be airing on western television. TGE CEO Nelia Sutrisno made the big announcement during the gala that USA’s ABC and Italy’s Casanova Multimedia bought the show’s format and will be remade respectively in their countries.
Currently, TKM airs in 16 countries all over Asia. It first premiered on Philippine free TV via ABS-CBN last Oct 2 and continues to air every Saturday on Studio 23.
Studio 23 Head March Ventosa said Studio 23 has been supporting the show as if it is its own. “A year ago they approached us, we saw the pilot, and we thought this is going to be a winner. We’ve had so much confidence in TKM that we programmed it back-to-back with ‘The X Factor USA’ which is a big show for Studio 23. It gives viewers a nice musical block for the weekend,” he added.
“The Kitchen Musical” airs every Saturday, 7:30 PM on Studio 23. For more information and updates on the series, log on to or follow its official Twitter account at