With every challenge in the reality show “I Dare You,” viewers got to look into the lives of struggling everyday Pinoys. On its final week, hosts Iya Villania, Jericho Rosales, and Melai Cantiveros will look back on the season’s extraordinary challenges such as Vice Ganda pretending to be an old man, Phoemela Baranda, Ethel Booba, and Miriam Quiambao serving as mechanics in a car repair shop, and Kim Chiu making charcoal and wading through garbage.
After a successful first season of changing views and lives, Iya, Jericho, and Melai will also recollect the program’s heart-tugging moments with the Bidang Kapamilyas.
Catch the season’s anthology of struggles and triumphs this week in “I Dare You,” weekday afternoons after “Kapamilya Blockbusters” on ABS-CBN. Get updates by following it on Twitter via @idareyou2011.