Nine species of animals endemic to Mindoro island, including the tamaraw, are now on the endangered list of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
Placed on the endangered list posted on the IUCN website are the tamaraw (Bubalus Mindorensis), four bird species, three species of rats, and a crustacean.
From its endangered status in 1986, the tamaraw has been listed as “critically endangered.” It is now only found in Mount Iglit-Baco National Park, Mount Aruyan in Sablayan town, and Mount Calavite Tamaraw Preserve.
Listed as endangered birds are the Mindoro imperial pigeon (Ducula Mindorensis), Mindoro Bleeding-heart (Gallicolumba Platenae), Mindoro Scops owl (Otus Mindorensis), and Mindoro Hornbill (Penelopides Mindorensis).
The rat species included in the list are the Mindoro Soft-furred Rat (Rattus Mindorensis), Mindoro Climbing Rat (Anonymomys Mindorensis), and the Large Mindoro Forest Mouse (Apomys Gracilirostris).
The crustacean Parathelphusa Mindoro is listed as “data deficient” because of lack of information on its population, ecological requirement, and long-term threats.
IUCN said the most significant threats to these species are forest destruction and hunting.