The story of Koreana begins twenty years ago when Nerissa (Angelu de Leon), a Filipina caregiver falls in love with Philip (Marco Morales), a wealthy Korean national based in the Philippines. Defying conventional Korean standards, their relationship will earn the ire of Chang Hee Jung (Eddie Garcia), Philip’s father, who strongly resents his son’s decision of falling in love with a non-Korean.
Philip and Nerissa will soon bear a child causing Chang Hee Jung to set aside his misgivings, and to open his home to Philip and his family. But their happiness will be cut short as Violeta (Eula Valdez), Chang Hee Jung’s adoptive Filipina daughter, sets off an evil scheme against Nerissa. Nerissa will be thrown out of the house but secretly takes the baby with her.
To add on to her misery, Nerissa will be separated from her daughter after being involved in an unpleasant bus incident. The baby ends up in the arms of Josefina (Lotlot de Leon), an old maid who works as a cashier in a local beer club. Believing that the mother has already abandoned the child, Josefina takes her home, and names her Jenna (Kris Bernal).
Jenna, despite being raised in an unconventional neighborhood, grows up to be sensible and cheerful young woman. Aware of her Korean heritage, she acquaints herself with all things Korean, particularly their cuisine. And while in the midst of fulfilling her dream of become a chef, she unexpectedly ends up in a Korean restaurant, unaware that the place she works for is actually owned by Chang Hee Jung.
After twenty years of living an incomplete life, how will Jenna unmask the secrets concealing her true identity? How will she take back what is rightfully hers? Will she end up neglecting her roots or embracing it all the more?
Completing the cast are Sab Magalona as Ivy, Violeta’s daughter; Sylvia Sanchez as Madam Sandra, Josefina’s sister, Joyce Ching as Amy, Joshua’s younger sister; Luigi Revilla as Jess, Amy’s friend; Dinky Doo as Enok, Chang Hee Jung’s driver; and Grace Lee as Alexandra, Joshua’s ex-girlfriend.
Directed by Gil Tejada and originally written by Richard “Dode” Cruz, the inspiring journey of KOREANA begins this Monday, October 11 after Trudis Liit on GMA Haponalo.
Viewers in the United States, Asia Pacific, and Middle East can catch Koreana beginning October 14 on GMA Pinoy TV, the flagship international channel of GMA Network.
1 Comment
I just notice parang naka mystery yung role ni Steven at rocco…