An ABS-CBN insider told STIR that the Kapamilya Network sent one media person to cover the Kadayawan Festival in Davao while GMA sent five entertainment journalists from Manila. More than anything, this shows how the Kapamilya Network is scrimping on publicity budget and how the Kapuso Network is splurging on it. No doubt who’s getting more publicity mileage, resulting in higher television ratings.
ABS-CBN has been cutting back in publicity expenses. It’s been holding less and smaller press conferences, relying on in-house publicity like in self-owned publications and online sites to do the job. Like in the In My Life launching, there were more Vilma Santos fans than there were entertainment journalists. This gave almost no time to interview the Star For All Seasons and packed up the Dolphy Theater where it was held.
The opposite is taking place at GMA. It’s giving bigger and more press conferences. It maximizes every publicity opportunity like introduction of new shows like the drama/fantasy series Mars Ravelo’s Darna & the sitcom Show Me the Manny and special events like the Are You The Next Big Star finals at the Araneta Coliseum.
Clearly, there has been a change of publicity and promotion strategy by the two giant networks which are opposite in size and intention. This usually happens when one network thinks it has attained market leadership and feels comfortable in the perceived standing. The other network tries harder to regain number one position by giving more frequent and bigger media conferences.