TIME Magazine introduces 2008’s Person of the Year. See below who made it to the prestige list:

2. Henry Paulson
3. Nicolas Sarkozy
There are times when Nicolas Sarkozy resembles a force of nature rather than a conventional political leader. He has energy, ideas and vitality in abundance, as he showed in such matters as his handling of the Georgia crisis and the global economic downturn. Of course, as with any new leader, 18 months — Nicolas was elected President of France in May 2007 — is insufficient time to make a final judgment. But certain elements are already clear. (Read full article here)
4. Sarah PalinIn the beginning, she winked. “I was just your average hockey mom,” she told us by way of introduction, which was a charming diversion from the reality of the most astonishing political debut in modern times. Sarah Palin did indeed show she could play politics as a contact sport; her motherhood did become central to her message. But average? Not in your wildest dreams. (Read full article here)
On the eighth day of the eighth month of 2008, 2 billion TV viewers and thousands in attendance in the now famous Bird’s Nest were treated to an unforgettable spectacle at the opening ceremonies of the Beijing Olympic Games. (Read full article here)